Madchild – The Darkest Hour

Opublikowano: 31/07/2017
Autor: Redakcja
Zdjecie newsa

28 lipiec 2017 (Battle Axe)

  1. Write It Down
  2. Imaginary Tears
  3. Body Bag (feat. Domo Genesis & Oh No)
  4. Broken Record
  5. Green Light (feat. Evidence)
  6. Double Tap (feat A$ton Matthews and Fashawn)
  7. Badchild
  8. Corleone (feat. Evidence)
  9. Cold Crush
  10. Club 33 (feat. Alchemist and Evidence)
  11. Land (feat. Illmaculate)
  12. Black and White
  13. Drama
  14. All I Know (feat. Krondon & Evidence)


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